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Free Performance for 
Larry & Mindy's
Mailing List Subscribers

(Take Two – an ALL REQUESTS Show!)

 Wednesday, May 13th, 7pm

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Here is our music room/office (the room we affectionately call “Heaven,” and sing about in our original song “I Like Heaven to Be Perfect”), the view from the large windows, the albums framed and hung on the walls, and some of our musical instruments:

The same window, but from the outside

This is Larry's first guitar, the one he learned to play on. The picture below is the picture that is glued to the guitar - Larry at age 14.

This mandolin has been in the family for 86 years! It was Larry's father's, when he was 6 years old!

And here is Mindy playing her piano, aged around 15.

And we probably won’t get a chance to introduce you to our pets, since they are both so bashful (yeah, right!!!) – so here are Ski and K.C. (K.C. is short for Kitty Cat):

If you haven’t seen our “Corona Quarantine Song,” here’s another opportunity:

That's us being interviewed by Menachem (owner of Jacob's Ladder Festival), some time ago, for his wonderful radio program.

This is definitely a free show. We are not at all expecting anything, but if you feel like you REALLY WANT to contribute something, you may have a look here…

Contact Us
054-6446396 / 050-5921628